Saturday, March 5, 2016

Stardew Valley : Blackberry Basket

It's blackberry season, but Linus can't find his basket! He's asking you to help him find it. He has no idea where it is.

Here's the location :

It's located in mini map, below Backwoods

To reach there (unnamed mini map), go to the Broken Bus map, then go left on the road where the bus is at.

Go left, follow the road

Here it is, the basket

Take it and give to Linus

Stardew Valley : Mayor's "Shorts"

Mayor Lewis has lost his purple "shorts". He's asking you to find and return them... Discreetly.

Here's the location :

It's located in Marnie's Ranch

It's located in Marnie's Room to be exact. To unlock her room, you have to be friend with at least 2 hearts with her.

After getting the "shorts" you can give it back to Lewis, and get 750 gold for reward.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Stardew Valley : Robin's Lost Axe

Robin lost her favorite axe. The last time she remembers using it, she was cutting wood south of Marnie's ranch.

Here's the location of the item quest :

Monday, January 25, 2016

B&S Beginner Guide

      1. Do NOT sell your Hongmoon Equipment. You will need them and evolve them until the end of game. If you make a mistake you still can purchase them at Jungja when you arrive at Jadestone Village (You will need Viridian Valor Stone though to buy those equipments).

      NPC Jungja location

      Viridian Valor Stone

      2. Save Key you get from Daily Quests or Box. Don’t waste it on early game like Stalker Weapon Box, you can buy the weapon at Marketplace for 10 – 20 Copper. If you really need the key, just use Hongmoon Key because you won’t able to use them at high level chest or box.

      Hongmoon Key

      3. When you arrive at Jadestone Village take all quest from gathering guild like Green Thumbs, Trapper Alliance, etc., you can receive 1000 EXP for each quest from them! After you finish all the quest you can leave and choose the gathering guild you want for crafting. Always take your order from guild to raise your level and this is one of source to making money if you can max them out.

      4. Use 8 Viridian Valor Stone for exchange Soul Shield at Jungja, this will help you when you reach lv 20 and Blackram Narrows dungeon. You can exchange it first if you already have 8 Viridian Valor Stone and keep them in your vault, so when you reach Songshu Isle you don’t need wasting to go back to village.

      Viridian Valor Soul Shield Set

      5. After you reach Pondskip Vale you will find the second world boss King Giganura, try to kill him several times and open the chest to find Triangular Ruby and Triangular Amethyst that will help you with 60 Damage and 30 Life Drain. And don’t forget just use your Hongmoon Key for this chest, don’t use your normal Key.

      6. Run the Blackram Narrows Dungeon 10 times to get Achievement that will raise your MAX HP by 400 points! If you cannot find party at your server just use cross-server feature by press F7. After you takedown this dungeon 10 times just activate this bonus attributes by press ‘U’ and click the Bonus Attributes and choose the attributes like the picture below.

      Achievement Window

      7. Learn how to play your character and do some combo, after you confident enough go play 1 vs 1 match in pvp and win 10 times to get other Achievement that will raise your Defense by 70 points.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

[GUIDE] B&S - The Tree Fellers

The Tree Fellers
      1. Yulan Magnolia Log (Quest)

      2. Pine Log (4 Locations)

      3. White Cedar (3 Locations)

      4. 山茶树

      1. Yulan Magnolia Sap(1 Locations)

      2. Pine Sap (2 Locations)

      3. White Cedar Sap (3 Locations)

      4. 山茶树树脂

[GUIDE] B&S - The Stonecutters

The Stonecutters
      1. Sandstone (Quest)

      2. Granite (4 Locations)

      3. Marble (3 Locations)

    Rare Stone
      1. Grindstone (Curbstone)

      2. Warmrock (Tungsten) (2 Locations)

      3. Porestone (Meteorite) (3 Locations)

[GUIDE] B&S - Prospector's Union

Prospector's Union
      1. Cooper (Quest)

      2. Raw Iron (Wrought Iron) (4 Locations)

      3. Cold Iron (Dark Iron) (3 Locations)

    Rare Ore
      1. Zinc (1 Locations)

      2. Tin (2 Locations)

      3. Gold (3 Locations)